Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Kölle Alaaf! >> Carnival in Cologne

¿Recordáis que os dije que tenía un planazo para el fin de semana? Bueno, pues el planazo era un viaje a Alemania para pasar los carnavales en Colonia. Lo pasé en grande, nunca había visto unos carnavales tan animados como estos. Todo el mundo estaba disfrazado desde primera hora, muchos disfraces estaban súper currados, había música en la calle y todos cantaban las canciones especiales de carnaval. ¡Son muy graciosas y fáciles de aprender! Y bueno, la fiesta por la noche no estaba mal tampoco... :) El primer día iba disfrazada de india. La foto de arriba es la mejor que tengo de ese día, está claro que mi prioridad era pasármelo bien, ¡no había tiempo para sacar buenas fotos!

Remember I told you I had big plans for the weekend? Well those big plans were a trip to Germany to spend carnival in Cologne. Now I tell you I have never seen carnivals as festive as these, although we do celebrate carnival in Spain. But in Cologne it was a different level. The whole city was celebrating, people wore their fancy dresses, many of which were very elaborate, since the morning and all around there was music and people singing carnival songs. The parties at night were not bad either... :) I went as an Indian on the first day. That this is the best photo I have of myself during that day, so you can imagine I was much more concentrated in having fun that in documenting the event!

El lunes era la Rosenmontagszug, que es una especie de cabalgata que va por toda la ciudad durante cinco horas o seis. Por la calle van pasando grupos de música, bailarines, carrozas con gente disfrazada tirando chocolate y ramos de rosas. Pero nada de esos caramelos rancios de anís típicos de la cabalgata de reyes, no, aquí lo que tiraban eran tabletas de chocolate, cajas de bombones, chocolatinas... Ya os digo,¡ esta gente se toma sus carnavales muy en serio! Yo ese día iba de caperucita roja, en la foto salgo por la mañana cargando las pilas con un buen café, fue un día muy largo y la fiesta siguió hasta bien entrada la noche!

On Monday the Rosenmontagszug took place, it's a big parade all over the city which lasts for about five or six hours. During this time there are music, dancers and carriages full of people wearing their costumes and throwing chocolate and flowers at the crowd. But don't think they just threw a few sweets here and there, not, I am talking about chocolate bars, boxes of pralines, snickers... I tell you, these people take their carnivals very seriously! And I went as Little Red Riding Hood, on the picture below I was having an early coffee, much needed considering the celebration went on until late that night! 


Unknown said...

Me matas, mas linda no puedes estar, se ve como unas festividades divertidas, lo de los dulces me hubiera encantado estar ahí para que me llovieran.

Stephanie said...

My, my...this looks like so much fun! Any excuse to wear a costume is good in my book.

maiú said...

heheh thanks girls! it was a lot of fun indeed!! :)

Gorgeous Clara said...

¡eso sí que es un planazo! se ve que te lo has pasado genial

Rach said...

Hey! I was actually there at Karneval in Cologne too that day. It was a pretty amazing parade. I got some pretty orchids thrown at me and a ton of candy. I like your costume! I believe I was dressed as a magician that day.