Saturday, August 7, 2010

Afternoon Sun >> Plaça Urquinaona

Hoy escribo mi primer post, después de mucho tiempo leyendo otros blogs relacionados con la moda y pensando como podría hacer algo original. He dudado mucho, ¿sobre qué escribo? ¿y si no le interesa a nadie? ¿y si me lee alguien que conozco?¡qué vergüenza! … pero he decidido dejar de preocuparme y empezar ya, ¡a ver que tal sale! 
Quiero compartir distintos rincones de Barcelona con vosotros y escribir sobre cosas que me interesan relacionadas con la moda. Así que sin más vueltas, ¡empiezo ya!
¡Espero que os guste!

So today I write my first post, after a long time reading other fashion related blogs and thinking how I could do my own thing. I have been doubting a lot, what should I write about? will it  be interesting for others?… but I decided to stop being a chicken and start now, see how things go!
I want to share photos of nice places in Barcelona and write about fashion related stuff that interests me. So let´s start!!
I hope you like it!!!

dress: blanco
shoes: zara
scarf as a belt: my mum´s
sunnies: my mum´s


Playing Hooksies said...

Ohh I love this blog! I'm glad I caught one of your first entries.

I wouldn't worry too much whether people will find the content interesting or not. That's why we read these things, isn't? To learn about other people's fashion choices and to hear their random musings about things :)

Great start! I love the spanish and english versions of the post. I'm trying to brush up on my spanish, so I read the spanish version first and see if I can understand (which I mostly could, yay me!!) and then the english.

Oh and yes, the dress is mega cute. Love!

maiú said...

Thank you!!! I´m glad you find the spanish version useful and that you understand it, for me it´s the other way round, I wanted to practice my english so I try to write the english version.
I have checked your blog and you have some amazing photos!and great style :)
Thanks for the comment! Besos!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice post! I love your blog
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