Friday, April 29, 2011

Work appropriate >> Parque de Doña Casilda

Vivo bastante cerca de mi trabajo, a unos 20 minutos en bici. Para mí esto es una mejora enorme con respecto a mi situación en Barcelona, casi tres horas de transporte todos los días, entre metro y bus. Horroroso. Ahora voy en bici a casi todos los sitios, y hasta me hace ir a trabajar de mejor humor. Mis 20 minutos por las mañanas son para relajarme, pensar, hacer planes, disfrutar del aire y de las vistas del mar. Pero (y siempre hay un pero) al ir en bici, no te puedes vestir de cualquier manera. Los vestidos o faldas cortas no son demasiado prácticos, los abrigos de invierno pueden ser sofocantes si tienes que pedalear un poco más fuerte, hay que tener mucho cuidado con las medias (y a mi cuidar las medias no se me suele dar demasiado bien) y los zapatos deberían ser cómodos, o por lo menos sujetar bien el pie. Habiendo dicho todo esto, creo que lo que llevo puesto es adecuado para ir a trabajar y para ir en bicicleta, ¿no creéis?

I live quite close to my job now, just a 20 minute bike ride away. It's a huge improvement, considering I spent almost three hours every day getting to work by bus and metro in my previous job in Barcelona. Now I cycle almost everywhere, it even makes going to work a little nicer. I know Those 20 minutes every morning are just for me, to think, make plans, enjoy the fresh air and the views of the sea. But (there is always a but) riding a bike, you can't just wear anything to work. Short skirts and dresses aren't the best choice, bulky coats can make you suffocate if you need to pedal harder, special care should be taken with tights (and I don't often succeed on that) and shoes should be comfortable enough. So having said all that, I think this outfit is perfect for a bike ride and perfect for work, don't you think?

Con tanto ciclismo y mi nueva afición por pilates he debido perder peso, he estado todo el día tirando hacia arriba de la cintura de mis pantalones, me van enormes y se me caen cada cuatro pasos que doy. Estos pantalones tienen unos cinco años, cuando me los compré eran de mi talla, estaba en mi época de Erasmus en Viena. No fue una época demasiado sana; nada de deporte, comida poco saludable, y saliendo demasiado, ¡cogí unos cuantos kilitos! El año pasado los rescaté de las profundidades de mi armario en vez de comprarme unos "boyfriend jeans". Por desgracia este año no me van a poder acompañar cuando quiera recrear el look Katie Holmes :) Qué se le va a hacer, ¡o los encojo o los guardo hasta que me vuelvan a valer!
Y por supuesto, cuenta con el tiempo en Bilbao para que se esconda el sol en el momento en que saco la cámara...  ¡Perdón por las fotos tan oscuras!

With all the biking and my newfound love for pilates, I must have lost weight because my trousers were falling all day. These trousers are about five years old, I bought them when I lived in Vienna and at that time they were my size. No, that wasn't the healthiest year of my life, no sport, very unhealthy food and too much partying, ooops! Last year I pulled these out from the depths of my closet instead of buying a pair of "boyfriend jeans". But unfortunately, this year I will not be able to dress in Katie Holmes style any more :) Oh well, I'll have to either shrink them or put them in storage until they fit again!
By the way, count on the weather of Bilbao for the sun to hide the moment we took my camera out, sorry for the dark pictures!

 Camisa/Shirt: COS // Pantalones/Trousers: Only // Zuecos/Clogs: Swedish Hasbeens // Chaqueta/Blazer: Massimo Dutti // Gafas/Sunnies:American Apparel .


maiú said...

thanks Franzi!I was waiting for the nice weather to wear my hasbeens again, they were a good investment!!!

Ebony Bolt said...

Nice bike outfit and that's good that you ride your bike to work its a good exercise :)and thanks for my comment.

Sarah Velasco said...

cool sunglasses!
I'm doing a giveaway on my blog so be sure to enter it for a chance to win! it's a couple posts down

Unknown said...

Unas fotos estupendas!!! Me encanta como ibas, las sandalias(madera) se llevan muchísimo ahora y te quedan espectacular! me rechiflan jiji las gafas de sol tmbien muy bonitas, un besazo desde
feliz lunes :)

Stephanie said...

It sounds like a fair trade off to me - modified fashion for a beautiful bike ride to work :)

I love the tile work in that last photo. You always find such inspiring places to take pictures.

maiú said...

Carolina, si que se llevan un montón los zuecos, a mi me encantan!
Stephanie, I'm glad you appreciate the different settings, it's actually quite fun to plan the "photoshoots" and find cool places to do them!

Claudia said...

I looove your clogs!! And your sunglasses for that matter! This outfit is definitely classic and work-appropriate, but it has that special flair that keeps it so chic. Green is a great color for you, btw.

I'm sorry to hear you couldn't find Kiko in Spain! I'm actually surprised that Kiko does not ship abroad or make itself more available at least in the EU... They don't even have a Twitter!! I mean come on! :P x

SABINNA and DAVID said...

your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!

xx, Sabinna and David

Stories and Sequins said...


The whole outfit is great! I love the first picture:) You have a beautiful blog and have become a follower:)

I would really appreciate it if you visited my blog:

Stories and Sequins

and become a follower if you wish:)

Thank you in advance!
